Human maintained list:
Current Search Engine
One of the main causes of this problem is that the number of documents in the indices has been increasing by many orders of magnitude. There is quite a bit of recent optimism that the use of more hypertextual information can help improve search and other applications. In particular, link structure and link text provide a lot of information for making relevance judgments and quality filtering. Google makes use of both link structure and anchor text
<img src=”SearchEngineArchitecture.gif” width=”400” height=”400/>
Google’s data structures are optimized so that a large document collection can be crawled, indexed, and searched with little IO cost. Although, CPUs and bulk input output rates have improved dramatically over the years, a disk seek still requires about 10 ms to complete. Google is designed to ** avoid disk seeks whenever possible**, and this has had a considerable influence on the design of the data structures.
The repository contains the compressed HTML of every web page. The choice of compression technique is a tradeoff between speed and compression ratio. We chose zlib’s speed over a significant improvement in compression offered by bzip. The compression rate of bzip was approximately 4 to 1 as compared to zlib’s 3 to 1 compression. The repository is self-completed, and requires no other data structures to be used in order to access it. This helps with data consistency and makes development much easier.
Data Structure | ||||
DocID | URL_length | URL | page_length | compressed page |
DocId to Meta-Info The document index keeps meta information about each document. It is a fixed width ISAM (Index sequential access mode) index, ordered by docID. Each entry includes the current document status, a pointer into the repository, a document checksum, and various statistics. The variable part of meta information is also contains a pointer into a variable width file called docinfo, which contains its URL, title and other things. This design decision was driven by the desire to have a reasonably compact data structure, and the ability to fetch a record in one disk seek during a search.
URL to DocId Additionally, there is a file which is used to convert URLs into docIDs. It is a list of URL checksums with their corresponding docIDs and is sorted by checksum. URLs may be converted into docIDs in batch mode by doing a merge with this file. This is the technique the URLresolver uses to turn URLs into docIDs. **This batch mode of update is crucial because otherwise we must perform one seek for every link which assuming one disk would take more than a month for our 322 million link dataset. **
The lexicon has several different forms. One important optimization is that the lexicon can fit in memory for a reasonable price. In the current implementation we can keep the lexicon in memory on a machine with 256 MB of main memory. The current lexicon contains 14 million words. It is implemented in two parts – a list of the words (concatenated together but separated by nulls) and a hash table of pointers. For various functions, the list of words has some auxiliary information which is beyond the scope of this paper to explain fully.
A hit list corresponds to a list of occurrences of a particular word in a particular document including position, font, and capitalization information. Hit lists account for most of the space used in both the forward and the inverted indices. Because of this, it is important to represent them as efficiently as possible. We considered several alternatives for encoding:
Our compact encoding uses two bytes for every hit. There are two types of hits: fancy hits and plain hits.
A plain hit consists of a capitalization (1 bit), font size (3 bits), and 12 bits of word position in a document (all positions higher than 4095 are labeled 4096). Font size is represented relative to the rest of the document using three bits (only 7 values are actually used because 111 is the flag that signals a fancy hit). A fancy hit consists of a capitalization (1 bit(), the font size (3 bits) set to 7 to indicate it is a fancy hit, the type of fancy hit (4 bits), and position (8 bits). For anchor hits, the 8 bits of position are split into 4 bits for position in anchor and 4 bits for a hash of the docID the anchor occurs in. This gives us some limited phrase searching as long as there are not that many anchors for a particular word. We expect to update the way that anchor hits are stored to allow for greater resolution in the position and docID hash fields.
We use font size relative to the rest of the document because when searching, you do not want to rank otherwise identical documents differently just because one of the documents is in a larger font.
The forward index is actually already partially sorted (bucket sorted by word, not by docID). It is stored in a number of barrels (we used 64). Each barrel holds a range of wordID’s. If a document contains words that fall into a particular barrel, the docID is recorded into the barrel, followed by a list of wordID’s with hitlists which correspond to those words.
**This scheme requires slightly more storage because of duplicated docIDs but the difference is very small for a reasonable number of buckets and saves considerable time and coding complexity in the final indexing phase done by the sorter. **
Furthermore, instead of storing actual wordID’s, we store each wordID as a relative difference from the minimum wordID that falls into the barrel the wordID is in. This way, we can use just 24 bits for the wordID’s in the unsorted barrels, leaving 8 bits for the hit list length.
The inverted index consists of the same barrels as the forward index, except that they have been processed by the sorter. For every valid wordID, the lexicon contains a pointer into the barrel that wordID falls into. It points to a doclist of docID’s together with their corresponding hit lists. This doclist represents all the occurrences of that word in all documents.
An important issue is in what order the docID’s should appear in the doclist?
We chose a compromise between these options, keeping two sets of inverted barrels – one set for hit lists which include title or anchor hits and another set for all hit lists. This way, we check the first set of barrels first and if there are not enough matches within those barrels we check the larger ones.
Running a web crawler is a challenging task. There are tricky performance and reliability issues and social issues. Crawling is the most fragile application since it involves interacting with hundreds of thousands of web servers and various name servers which are all beyond the control of the system.
Google has a fast distributed crawling system. A single URLserver serves lists of URLs to a number of crawlers (we typically ran about 3). Each crawler keeps roughly 300 connections open at once. This is necessary to retrieve web pages at a fast enough pace. At peak speeds, the system can crawl over 100 web pages per second using four crawlers. This amounts to roughly 600K per second of data. A major performance stress is DNS lookup. Each crawler maintains a its own DNS cache so it does not need to do a DNS lookup before crawling each document. Each of the hundreds of connections can be in a number of different states:
Any parser must handle a huge array of possible errors. These range from:
For maximum speed, instead of using YACC to generate a CFG parser, we use flex to generate a lexical analyzer which we outfit with its own stack. Developing this parser which runs at a reasonable speed and is very robust involved a fair amount of work.
Every word is converted into a wordID by using an in-memory hash table – the lexicon. New additions to the lexicon hash table are logged to a file. Once the words are converted into wordID’s, their occurrences in the current document are translated into hit lists and are written into the forward barrels.
The main difficulty with parallelization of the indexing phase is that the lexicon needs to be shared. Instead of sharing the lexicon, we took the approach of writing a log of all the extra words that were not in a base lexicon, which we fixed at 14 million words. That way multiple indexers can run in parallel and then the small log file of extra words can be processed by one final indexer.
In order to generate the inverted index, the sorter takes each of the forward barrels and sorts it by wordID to produce an inverted barrel for title and anchor hits and a full text inverted barrel.
This process happens one barrel at a time, thus requiring little temporary storage. Also, we parallelize the sorting phase to use as many machines as we have simply by running multiple sorters, which can process different buckets at the same time.
Since the barrels don’t fit into main memory, the sorter further subdivides them into baskets which do fit into memory based on wordID and docID. Then the sorter, loads each basket into memory, sorts it and writes its contents into the short inverted barrel and the full inverted barrel.
Our solutions are scalable to commercial volumes with a bit more effort
To put a limit on response time, once a certain number (currently 40,000) of matching documents are found, the searcher automatically stop. This means that it is possible that sub-optimal results would be returned. We are currently investigating other ways to solve this problem. In the past, we sorted the hits according to PageRank, which seemed to improve the situation.
Every hitlist includes position, font, and capitalization information. Additionally, we factor in hits from anchor text and the PageRank of the document. Combining all of this information into a rank is difficult. We designed our ranking function so that no particular factor can have too much influence.
Google considers each hit to be one of several different types (title, anchor, URL, plain text large font, plain text small font, …), each of which has its own type-weight. The type-weights make up a vector indexed by type. Google counts the number of hits of each type in the hit list. Then every count is converted into a count-weight. Count-weights increase linearly with counts at first but quickly taper off so that more than a certain count will not help. We take the dot product of the vector of count-weights with the vector of type-weights to compute an IR score for the document. Finally, the IR score is combined with PageRank to give a final rank to the document.
Now multiple hit lists must be scanned through at once so that hits occurring close together in a document are weighted higher than hits occurring far apart. The hits from the multiple hit lists are matched up so that nearby hits are matched together. For every matched set of hits, a proximity is computed. The proximity is based on how far apart the hits are in the document (or anchor) but is classified into 10 different value “bins” ranging from a phrase match to “not even close”.
Counts are computed not only for every type of hit but for every type and proximity. Every type and proximity pair has a type-prox-weight. The counts are converted into count-weights. We take the dot product of the count-weights and the type-prox-weights to compute an IR score. All of these numbers and matrices can all be displayed with the search results using a special debug mode. These displays have been very helpful in developing the ranking system.
Google is designed to scale cost effectively to the size of the Web as it grows. One aspect of this is to use storage efficiently. Table 1 has a breakdown of some statistics and storage requirements of Google. Due to compression the total size of the repository is about 53 GB, just over one third of the total data it stores. At current disk prices this makes the repository a relatively cheap source of useful data.
More importantly, the total of all the data used by the search engine requires a comparable amount of storage, about 55 GB. Furthermore, most queries can be answered using just the short inverted index. With better encoding and compression of the Document Index, a high quality web search engine may fit onto a 7GB drive of a new PC.
Web Page Statistics | - |
Number of Web Pages Fetched | 24 million |
Number of Urls Seen | 76.5 million |
Storage Statistics | - |
Total Size of Fetched Pages | 147.8 GB |
Compressed Repository | 53.5 GB |
Lexicon | 293 MB |
Temporary Anchor Data | 6.6 GB |
Document Index | 9.7 GB |
Links Database | 3.9 GB |
Short Inverted Index | 4.1 GB |
Full Inverted Index | 37.2 GB |
Total Without Repository | 55.2 GB |
Total With Repository | 108.7 GB |
For Google, the major operations are Crawling, Indexing, and Sorting.
The current version of Google answers most queries in between 1 and 10 seconds. This time is mostly dominated by disk IO over NFS (since disks are spread over a number of machines). Furthermore, Google does not have any optimizations such as query caching, subindices on common terms, and other common optimizations. We intend to speed up Google considerably through distribution and hardware, software, and algorithmic improvements. Our target is to be able to handle several hundred queries per second.
In implementing Google, we have seen bottlenecks in CPU, memory access, memory capacity,** disk seeks, **disk throughput, disk capacity, and network IO. Google has evolved to overcome a number of these bottlenecks during various operations.
At 100 million web pages we will be very close up against all sorts of operating system limits in the common operating systems (currently we run on both Solaris and Linux). These include things like
As the capabilities of computers increase, it becomes possible to index a very large amount of text for a reasonable cost. Of course, other more bandwidth intensive media such as video is likely to become more pervasive. But, because the cost of production of text is low compared to media like video, text is likely to remain very pervasive. Also, it is likely that soon we will have speech recognition that does a reasonable job converting speech into text, expanding the amount of text available. All of this provides amazing possibilities for centralized indexing.
Here is an illustrative example.
Given all these assumptions we can compute how long it would take before we could index our 850 terabytes for a reasonable cost assuming certain growth factors.
Moore’s Law was defined in 1965 as a doubling every 18 months in processor power. It has held remarkably true, not just for processors, but for other important system parameters such as disk as well. If we assume that Moore’s law holds for the future, we need only 10 more doublings, or 15 years to reach our goal of indexing everything everyone in the US has written for a year for a price that a small company could afford. Of course, hardware experts are somewhat concerned Moore’s Law may not continue to hold for the next 15 years, but there are certainly a lot of interesting centralized applications even if we only get part of the way to our hypothetical example.