Culture Fit

Why FB and foreign


confident on my ability and qualification, working experience, programming skills on Java, OC, C execution power



Vision CheetaMobile CEO FuSheng


Virtual Reality

  • Searching Engine help us Acquisition and filtering information via algorithm. It is very efficient and cost effective. But the knowledge is fragmented and superficial. You cannot get a full view on a topic,

  • Social Network help us acquire and filter from other person, perhaps from a friend, an expert on a specific field, especially via audio or video content.

  • VR will be the next new ways how we get information, knowledge, immersive experience. This is absolutely beyond searching engine and social network. In the future it will have big impact on education, on entertaiment, on our daily life.

  • Reading text or formula cannot give us immersive experience. For example, we know math is beautiful. we must build a picture in our mind when we learn a formula or theory.

Resolve Conflict

Learn from failure


  • Task scheduling, which day is the task scheduled.
  • forward-looking jobs
  • Lorenz attractor