
  • Leadership, influence
  • Mistake / Failure
  • Challendge
  • Teamwork
  • Success

Common Background

Team The team is infro-structure department.

Product Baidu Cloud is an IAAS Platform, it provides a set of scalable, reliable, flexible, secure infrosturcture services for enterprises. Its product line looks like Amazon’s AWS or MS’s Azure does, Ali’s cloud. In china, our main competators includes Ali and Tencent. e.g. virtral machine, storage, CDN, load-balance, message queue, database, large data analysis.

Multimedia Solutions: VOD, LSS, Video Conference

Media Services (LSS / VOD) are a collection of audio-video-oriented services. It provide live or on-demand streaming capability for our customers. and help them manage, store and broadcast valuable audio/video content to larger audiences. Combining with basic services, like Multimedia Cloud Transcoder, BOS, and CDN.

It can be used in many senarios: online education, sports and entertaiment live broadcast, press conference broadcast, public forum etc. Our customer comes from severl industries: online education startups, new media firm, government, and online game corampanies. These companies need cloud servies to store, transcode, encrypt, and broacast large scale multimedia content in their business processes.

Challendge 1: Meet Business requirement - Easy of use, integration


  • Technically strong, underlying services are relaible and scalable,
  • Our underlying for example: CDN BOS: available 3-9s, reliable 11-9s, 200+ server x 5T = 1 P This biggest barrier for our business growth. LSS is released on October, we desided to re-design it in late November. We now is doing testing the new version.


Ease of use: Steps:

  • Registration and identity certification
  • Activate BOS services and configuration
  • Apply for a domain name which is used for live broadcast address
  • Activate DNS and configuration with BOS
  • Create Session and configuration for a/v frame rate, codec, watermark, thumnail, record, etc

This design is too complexed for our customers.

  1. we have to spend a lot of time on technical support
  2. this is barrier for our business growth, since they have to spend time to study our system.

internal custermer can tolerate our product’s defect. but not expect external customers to do so.


I proposed my concern, but it is tough to persuade product managers. they argued that our target customer is

Collect datas

- MCT Data
  active users: 20 per day, 
  jobs: 3.8K per day

- LSS Data:
  Total users: 149, active users: 20 per day
  sessions per day: 4732 
  live duration per day: 14170 ~ 15K 

Collect customers’ respond and comments

Analyze the reason:

  1. The team little experience to design a product for external customers.
  2. Team organization: Most of members are RD and have little persons on-hands experience on customers requirements. It takes time to get deep understand on their real need.
  3. We are new-comer in this market. While designing the first version, we analyzed our competitor’s product,
  4. Wrong


Challendge 2: Playback SDK


We have 3 playback SDK’s on different platform: web version, android, and iOS. Playback part is the most fragile components in this system. reasons:

  1. playback SDK is running in customers’ device and environments, compatibility is a big issue. Take web playback as example,
  2. Playback SDK is complexed components, especially android and iOS version. There are pitfalls to call APIs e
  3. More importantly, network bandwith and stability has big impact on the playback fluecy.

So the user experience is not only determined by our media server, CDN, but also custerm’s network, OS. These are out of our controll.


For the 1, we need to do more testing and make sure our SDK can run on most of devices in the market. But it envolve a lot of work. For the 2, we have to handle this smartly, For the 3, the ultimate solution is improve our CDN network, let it cover more areas and let customers access our network in shorter distance. But this is expensive to do so. And before service have enough throughput, it is hard to persuade BOS to investe more money to do so. Currently we have workaround:

  • Adaptive streaming,


From LSS 1.0 to 2.0


  • CDN, 4K edge servers, 60 nodes, each node has 50~200 machines

发改委 and 教育部

National Development and Reform Commision Chinese characteristic

Why FB


  • Tech Skills Programming skills on multiple language: expert on Java, proficient on Objective-C and C, hand-on exp on Py, Grv Experience on arch and sys design, Knowledge on both mobile side and server side development. I am iOS programmer, and web application. I am confident on my

  • Soft Skills I have worked in diff teams, not only civil team, but also international teams, such US, indian teams.


No university degree or diploma, only a few working experience in USA. Only 3 months in Texas and Bay area. it is far from enough.


  • Chance to develop next greate product. I feel virtual reality will be the next big thing. Immersive experience will a revolution
  • of education,
  • Have chance to work with talented engineer from all over the world.
  • It’s amazing in 100% international environment, Diversity


SN is more efficient way than TV, newspaper, news web site. in-depth report in some kind field.